I think hell may have just frozen over folks, as now NVIDIA has crossed over camps like a country western song getting popular on the rock-n-roll charts. NVIDIA has partnered up with AMD's competitor, better known as the Intel giant. This will seriously put a dent in AMD's current hold on the SLI market, as this levels the playing field for both companies in the SLI arena. In reality Intel needed a break as AMD has about earned them the right to stand toe-to-toe with Intel in the desktop and server market. The year 2004 was a very good one for AMD both in their chipset platform partners, their CPU releases and then to top it off the only game in town that played SLI. This release totally changes that advantage and only time will tell how much of an impact this will have in the long run for AMD at the cash register.
Intel has always made an outstanding CPU, well at least 98% of time anyways and that is what has made them a household name, that and those infernal blue men with the far out devices occupying my TV screen. The thing I wonder about now, will Intel try and integrate their latest 955 chipset features into a next generation Intel SLI boards or will NVIDIA just try and make a chipset platform that rival or surpasses Intel's soon to be market realized Dual-Core platform. This really is not a motherboard review per say as the board is a reference motherboard that features the same chipset that all the major manufacturers will be producing, so it is more of a chipset and platform review. NVIDIA has really started to put a name on their chipsets and now that they have added an entirely new platform support by way of Intel that can only grow stronger. So is SLI all that for Intel? I think anyone who is an Intel fan will find a breath of fresh air in this release as it once again makes Intel a viable choice for hardcore gamers, those who care less for price, and more about top performance in their machine.
SOURCE: www.motherboards.org